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故事发生在风景秀丽的密西西比河畔,汤姆(Tommy Kelly 饰)自幼丧母,是一个身世可怜的孤儿。然而,在朋友和亲戚们的帮助和扶持下,汤姆还是成长为了一个快乐勇敢的男孩。哈克贝利(Jackie Moran 饰)是汤姆最好的朋友,两个孩子在一起,常常惹出各种各样的麻烦,闹了数不清的笑话。  一次偶然中,汤姆竟然成为了一宗凶杀案的目击证人,由于害怕遭到凶手的报复,汤姆和哈克贝利决定离家出走,踏上逃亡的旅途。汤姆的失踪让亲人倍感焦急,可他却在孤岛上开辟了自己的小天地,过得逍遥快活。最终,在案件即将审判之时,汤姆站了出来说出了真相,帮助法官做出了公正的判决。
Dino Babies is a family-friendly educational cartoon spotlighting six young dinosaurs who share stories and adventures.  It was a BBC television series that aired from 3 September 1990 to 30 March 2001.  In each episode, the Dinobabies put their own imaginative spin on a classic tale, from "Dak and the Beanstalk" to "The Abominable Snowbaby". As fun as these flights of fancy were, they always had something important to say about the dinosaurs themselves and the world around them. By acting out classic tales, the dinosaurs learned valuable moral lessons.


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