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十三世纪,牧师已经开始用“所罗门之书”对抗女巫和恶魔。一百年后,在十字军战争中因为战功卓著而声名鹊起的骑士贝曼(尼古拉斯·凯奇 Nicolas Cage 饰)和老搭档菲尔森(朗·普尔曼 Ron Perlman 饰)厌倦了战争的残酷,二人解甲返乡,但他们在小镇上看到的却是瘟疫肆虐的景象。贝曼和菲尔森因逃兵的身份被收押,当地领主了解二人的功勋,随即代表教会委托给他们押送一个女巫去修道院接受审判的任务。贝曼、菲尔德以及当地的一位牧师、一名骑士,还有一个担任向导的盗贼组成了一支押送队。笼中的少女看起来毫无威胁并且无辜,贝曼难以相信她是带来瘟疫的女巫。沿路一位年轻骑士加入了他们的队伍,但同时莫名的血腥异像也反复出现,贝曼一行在抵达终点时终于发现,这一切都是恶魔的一场阴谋……
励志上进的水凝兽阿音和神力被封的真神之子古晋因一场意外相识,从此走上寻找凤隐仙元之路,此后在妖族狐狸鸿奕、鹰族公主宴爽这些小伙伴的陪伴下,一路收集凤隐仙元,历经重重险阻,屡次挫败反派青霖及其属下的阻挠,助力凤隐涅槃回归,收获爱情友情亲情,维护世间和平、承担苍生大义的励志故事。  该剧改编自星零的同名小说。
One a bright spring day before a school trip, Semi, falls asleep on one side of the classroom, and suddenly awakens in tears over an ominous dream. She runs to Ha-eun, who is in the hospital after injuring her leg in a bicycle accident. Semi and Ha-eun are best friends. The film depicts a special day between the two. A spring day, puppy love, jealousy, friendship, small misunderstandings, shameful confessions, anxiety and wacky wit, red nose tips and ears, or the heels and dead skin cells in dreams, the verdant hill behind the village and the yellowish sunset—every small thing that makes up the world gathers up here and creates an unexplained and brilliant atmosphere, completing a kind of dreaming vision. The Dream Songs is full of vitality even in its sad moments.


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