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罗公子在府内和人斗蛐蛐时,他的黑蛐蛐大获全胜帮他赢了很多银子,得意洋洋的他自夸起宝贝的身价来,他的话被在隔壁做活的木匠张煜记在了心里。下人将收有黑蛐蛐的罐子放在几案上,止不住好奇的张煜想一睹“宝贝”的模样,不想一不小心,黑蛐蛐逃之夭夭。  将张煜毒打一番后,罗公子限他三日之内找回黑蛐蛐,否则赔银子1000两。张煜左思右想一番,动了轻生的念头。佛法无比的济公及时赶到将张煜救下,并言只用张煜身上的三文钱,就可帮他把麻烦解除。
While visiting her friend Dermot in Little Ambrose, Miss Marple is drawn into investigating the death of Eddie Seward, whom she'd met on the bus and who is found having apparently drowned in the river.Within a few days however, there is a second suspicious death, that of Mary Pritchard who seems to have died from fright. She was disliked by many and had recently caused a scene when her husband George was inaugurated as the Captain of the local golf club. Even Dermot disliked her as did her sister Philippa, who was once engaged to George, whom she described as the love of her life. Phillipa ended up marrying George's brother, Lewis Pritchard, and they are constantly having money problems. A third death - this time one of George Pritchard's former mistresses - convinces Inspector Somerset that George, who conveniently confesses, is the murderer. Miss Marple thinks otherwise and sets out to prove it.


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